Petite guerre - a Seven Years War AAR

Since recently reading The Seven Years War in Europe I've wanted to have a game.  The weekend just gone I finally had that chance.  I didn't have too long a window to play in so based the scenario on the first scenario in the Honours of War rules.  

Austrians - 1 Brigade commanded by a Steadfast Brigade Commander (BC) of 3 standard infantry regiments and 1 superior medium artillery battery. 1 Independent unit of 1 superior cavalry regiment.

Prussians - 1 Brigade commanded by a Steadfast BC of 2 superior infantry regiments and 1 standard medium artillery battery. 1 Independent unit of 1 superior cavalry regiment.

Turn One 

Command Performance rolls for each Commanding General produce Steady results.  The Prussians win the Movement Initiative and the Prussian Infantry brigade moves up as does it’s attached artillery.  For their move the Austrian Infantry Brigade change from column to line for ½ a move and use their remaining allowance to move up.  The Austrian artillery unlimbers.  For the final moves of the turn the Prussian Cavalry move forwards and Austrian Cavalry change formation from column to line and move forwards.  

The Prussians gain Firing Initiative but have no targets in range.  The Austrian artillery however does, and they open fire on the Prussian infantry.  A 4 is rolled with -1 for long range and looking at the table that’s 1 hit.  That’s not enough to cause any reactions and the Prussian battalion continue as normal.  There are no units in Melee and no Rallying to be done or Army Break Points to be checked so that’s the end of the Turn.  

Turn Two

The Austrians win the Movement Initiative.  Once again, the Command Performance rolls are Steady for both.  The Austrian General moves to be nearer the Cavalry unit.  The Austrian infantry brigade moves forward.  The Prussian General stays with the Prussian infantry brigade as they move forward.  The Austrian Cavalry stays in place.  The Prussian cavalry move forward.  The Prussian artillery make ½ a move and then unlimber.  

The Austrians win the Firing Initiative.  Their artillery fires at the same Prussian infantry battalion.  As the Prussians have moved there is now no longer any long modifiers.  They score another hit.  Once again there’s no effect to the Prussians.  The Prussian artillery now fire at the Austrian infantry but they fail to hit.  None of the infantry are quite within musket range and there’s no checks to be made so that’s the end Turn Two. 

Turn Three

Once again, the Command Performance rolls are Steady for both.  The Prussians win the Movement Initiative roll. Their Commanding General eggs the troops on and the infantry brigade moves right up to the Austrian line.  The Austrian General moves back to be with his infantry brigade as they hold their positions.  The Prussian Cavalry move towards the Austrian cavalry who now charge into them.  

The two lines are now within musket range so it’s going to start getting messy!  The Prussians gain the Firing initiative.  Prussian Blue regiment scores two hits on Austrian White regiment.  Prussian White regiment scores two hits on Austrian Yellow regiment.  The Austrians now respond.  Austrian Yellow regiment scores two hits on Prussian White regiment who has already sustained two hits.  They now suffer a Loss of Morale and must retreat a move.  The Austrian White regiment fires on Prussian Blue regiment scoring one hit.  The Prussian artillery fire on the Austrian Yellow regiment but it’s ineffectual.  The Austrian artillery can’t really fire for fear of hitting their own troops.  

In the cavalry melee each side scores two hits on their opponents.  There’s no impact on their Morale though.* 

Prussian White regiment rallies off two hits (one due to close proximity of Commanding General) but need to spend the next round reforming.  

Turn Four

Yet again, the Command Performance rolls are Steady for both.  The Prussians win the Movement Initiative roll again and the Commanding General stays where he is to try and inspire his troops.  The Prussian Infantry Blue regiment move into contact with the Austrian White regiment to initiate a melee.  Austrian Yellow infantry regiment move towards the reforming Prussian White regiment who have to stay stationary for this turn.  The Austrian/Hungarian Green regiment swing round into the flank of the Prussian Blue regiment.

The Prussians win the Firing Initiative.  Seeing the advance of the Austrian Yellow infantry regiment against the reforming Prussian infantry, the Prussian artillery fire at the Yellows causing one hit.  This pushes them up to three hits so they will take a -1 modifier now.  The Austrian Yellow infantry fire suffers from multiple minus factors but still manages to cause one hit on the Prussian White regiment pushing them back up to three hits.  

* I should have resolved the cavalry melee in the previous turn but continued it in this turn.  The Austrians inflict three casualties the Prussians two.  That pushes the Prussian cavalry up to five total hits and they are Done For.  They Rout one move back and the Austrians suffer a Loss of Morale and move one move back to reform in the next turn.  

The Prussian Blue infantry regiment are in trouble, they charged the Austrians to engage them in  melee but have been charged in the flank by another Austrian regiment.  The Prussians inflict two hits on the Austrians but take two in return.  The Austrian/Hungarian Green regiment attack causes another three hits on the Prussians who can’t respond as they are already engaged frontally with the Austrian White regiment.  The total for the Prussian Blue Regiment is now seven hits!  They are Done For.  They Rout one move back while the Austrian White regiment suffer a Loss of Morale and move one move back to reform in the next turn.

The White Prussian Regiment manages to Rally off one hit due to the close proximity of Commanding General.  However, the Prussians have now suffered two units Done for and have reached the Army Break Point level.  In the style of his King the Prussian General decides to flee the battlefield, probably to entertain suicidal thoughts and blame everyone but himself for the defeat.  Victory to Austria! 


This was a nice little game.  I’m ashamed to say that my one and only game of Honours of War was  two years ago (AAR here).  It shows that it must be a nice clear and concise game system in that I managed to pick it up again using just a quick reference sheet and play without too much reference to the main rules.  Yes I made a few errors such as not fighting the cavalry melee to conclusion in the one turn but otherwise it went well.  

My recent reading of The Seven Years War in Europe prompted this game.  While I was playing I was picturing some of the actions in the book especially the so called petite guerre actions where a brigade was despatched from a main force with a specific task.  I’ve got a reasonable collection of 6mm SYW and I must get a larger game in which hopefully won't be another two years time.   


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