The hobby week - 15 October to 21 October

Overall a good week hobby wise. 


  • I managed to fit in another Warlords of Erehwon game using more of my Celtos collection, this time the undead masses of the Fir Bolg and the unwashed orc and goblin hordes of the Formorians.  The AAR will be posted next week. 


  • I've been progressing with the first two 10mm Chaos Dwarf regiments for Warmaster Revolution.  My 10mm technique is evolving and I'm enjoying painting up the little chaps, of which I've got 60 on the go at the moment. 
  • I've done a bit more of the Butler's Printed Models 1/76th Stug 111G.  

Research & Reading

  • I've finally finished Pax Romana by Adrian Goldsworthy.  A really great read, it's a very accessible work from an academic and whets the appetite to learn more. 
  • I worked on the army lists for Fir Bolg (Undead) and Formorians (Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen) for Warlords of Goria ready for the game I played. 
  • Having bought 300 or so 10mm figures only last month I really shouldn't be looking at anything else but I have been!  Unsurprisingly with what I've been reading the whole Roman period has been tempting me.  You're spoilt for choice and you could do this relatively cheaply in 28mm as there's a lot of plastics available specifically the Gripping Beast range for the late empire.  I have a soft spot for GB, my first 28mm figures when I started gaming again in the 90s were the GB Colin Patten sculpted Norse and Anglo-Saxons.  Ummmm, it is very tempting to go large for a change.


I've had a few bits in this week:
  • Following on from the above a sprue of GB Dark Age cavalry was ordered and arrived.  I bought this as a tester.  If this doesn't turn into a project they can be used in my Norse collection at a push. 
  • I bought a pack of rubber steel sheets.  Having had my Celtos figure out lately I forgot how poorly stored they are and how annoying it is they all slide about in the boxes.  I'm therefore going to line the boxes with the sheets and magnetise the figure bases. 
  • On my third attempt I won a set of the Too Fat Lardies' Infamy, Infamy! rules and card deck on eBay.  I got these for a very pleasing amount (less than half the retail) and they came very quickly.  I've had my eye on this set for a while so was chuffed to get them.  On first look they don't disappoint either.


  1. Congratulations on the win. It looks like you are keeping busy on the hobby front.

    1. Thanks Richard, my eBay luck hasn't been great lately so it was even more pleasing. Yes, busy as usual, I always try and have a few things going on, the Devil makes work for idle hands and all that hahaha!


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