The hobby week - 27 August to 02 September

It's been a very relaxed week hobby wise just pottering about. 


  • With no figures to paint I've finally started a very nice 1/48th model of a Sopwith Camel which I was given for my birthday a couple of years ago.  It's very enjoyable to do something different.  I like to work on an aircraft kit once in a while, takes me back to where I started all those years ago.  Thankfully the quality of the kits and my skill level  is somewhat different now though. 
  • I've had my boxes of Celtos figures out.  As well as reattaching the shields that seem to periodically become detached, I've been converting Celtos forces into Warlords of Erehwon forces.  There's not a lot of difference really, both systems use quite generic stats.  

Research & Reading

  • I've flitted from this to that this week just browsing the web and through my rules and books.  No real direction but it's been good. 


  • Nothing new this week.  


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