The hobby week - 03 September to 09 September

A few things going on hobby wise but off on hols so that's been my priority.  


  • As time allows I've been continuing with the 1/48th Sopwith Camel.  It's a nice kit but goodness some of it is fiddly!  

Research & Reading

  • I appear to be doing the opposite of most people and transitioning from historical gaming to ahem Games Workshop.....forgive me, forgive me as the blundering ex-PM was prone to say.  To clarify I've become very interested in the Warmaster Revolution game and project, the ethos of which appeals to me in many ways.  So much so that I've even spent some money - see below.


  • I received a pack of 10mm Warmaster Revolution Ogres from MGS Miniatures.  What can I say?  I always wanted an Ogre army but was never going to pay GW prices.  And being in 10mm it actually appeals to my current mindset even more (see here).  The figures are lovely, the service was excellent and I can probably get away with not even basing them.  My first 3D printed figures and I'm very impressed with them.  So much so that within an hour of them landing on the mat I'd ordered a Chaos Dwarf and Ogre army.  Oh dear what has become of me?  I've already started looking about for 10mm historical and may even look at the whole printing process.  


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