2022 plan part 3 - September to December

As we start September here's the outline plan for the last third of 2022.  Like all plans only time will tell if it survives first contact!

Existing projects

  • Anglo-Sikh Wars
    • Complete movement trays and add flags for each unit
  • 16th Century Western European Wars (15mm)
    • Make scenery to go with English church model
    • Purchase/make specific terrain
    • Look at buying more figures to extend the collection back to the 1540s and also for the Irish Wars
  • Algerian War (20mm)
    • Repaint helicopter models
  • WW2 Italy 43-45 (15mm) 
    • Work on bases for the MDF buildings I repainted in the summer 
    • Repaint water tower building
  • Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse (20mm)
    • Work on MDF buildings
    • Make specific terrain/scenic pieces
  • Fantasy terrain (28mm)
    • Make terrain/scenic pieces that can be used for Celtos, Warmachine/Hordes and Burrows and Badgers
  • Decide what to do with unused 28mm figures
  • Continue blogging
  • Improve on storage
  • Finish the 1/48th Sopwith Camel model

New projects

  • Start a new project in 6mm or 10mm for larger scope games
  • Start skirmish level medieval Japan project


  • Play a minimum of 3 games.  In mind as I write this are:
    • Fantasy using my Celtos figures
    • 16th Century
    • WW2 Eastern Front
    • Burrows & Badgers 
    • Seven Years War
    • Ancients using my 10mm Punic Wars collection
    • Warmachine/Hordes
As usual there's a few things I'm continuing on from the last period.  Aside from 12 plastic ACW which I'm in no hurry to do, I don't have any figures to paint so there's no backlog.  If I do buy any new bits I can start on them straightaway. 

I've got quite a varied collection that I've built up over many years.  I'd like to get them on the table and play more games, but without a dedicated space this is always an effort, and I have a limited time to play in before I have to pack away.  This means I have to schedule a game when I know I'll have a good few hours free and that in itself is a challenge.  I do envy those with a hobby room as it must be great to be able to leave a game set up and play through a turn when you have a bit of time,  Alas, the chances of a dedicated gaming space are non-existent.  However, I'm lucky in having a painting table so I shouldn't complain too much. 


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