The hobby week - 30 July to 05 August

It's been a hectic week at work which has impacted greatly on hobby time so a very quick update. 


  • I made a little bit more progress with the Bengal Light Dragoons unit for the First Anglo-Sikh War.  The horses are now complete and started blocking in the colours on the troopers.
  • I based and primed the three British Generals for the Sikh Wars figures. 

Research & Reading

  • The plan was to continue reading "The Gempei War 1180–85", which  really wanted to study and absorb.  Therefore, being tired all week I opted for an "easier" read on the commute, turning to "American War" by Omar El Akkad.  This is a bleak apocalyptic fiction set in divided America decimated by viruses and civil war.  I'll not make any further comment.  It's a very good book though.


  • No shiny new things to report this week. 


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