First Anglo-Sikh War - Bengal Light Cavalry

After what seems an age working on them I finally finished the regiment of Bengal Light Cavalry.

This is a unit of 12, consisting of six sabre wielding troopers, 3 with lances and a command of an officer, trumpeter and standard bearer (for which I need to sort out the standard).  All 20mm Newline Designs and the last unit I had to complete from the order that came in March.  

Once I got into these I really enjoyed doing them.  As with all of this project I relied heavily on the Internet as a resource.  It dawned on me that this is the only conflict which I collect/game where I don't own any books.  That's very unusual for me as I love a book.  Perhaps it reflects there's not too many reference works out there, or more likely a reflection of my ignorance of them.

I have three, yes three figures to paint for this project and then it's done.  Well at least it is for the moment.


  1. Very nice. The books you want are by this lad. His first Sikh War book might be harder to get. Both are excellent.

    1. Thanks. I've read the first one. What I'd really like is a really comprehensive colour uniform book like you can get for Napoleonics.


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