2022 - 2nd third update

Incredibly we're already into the last third of the year so it's time to review how I've done from May through to the end of August.  The updates are in italics but the rest was copied verbatim from 01/05's post. 

Existing projects

  • Continue with Sikh Wars project (20mm)
    • Complete the EIC Sepoy regiment currently in progress - Completed. πŸ‘
    • Chip away at the lead pile adding more units - This has been my main focus and I'm pleased to say that I've eradicated the lead pile for this project completing all the figures I had.  That's 98 figures in 20mm. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • 16th Century Western European Wars (15mm)
    • Make scenery to go with English church model - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
    • Purchase/make specific terrain - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
    • Purchase more figures to extend my collection back to the 1540s and also for the Irish Wars - No new figures purchased. ☝
  • Algerian War (20mm)
    • Finish making terrain  - I painted up all the hills and rocky outcrop scatter. πŸ‘
    • Paint up last few ALN figures - I added another seven figures with none left to do now. πŸ‘
    • Repaint helicopter models -  No progress. πŸ‘Ž
  • WW2 Italy 43-45 (15mm) 
    • Work on MDF buildings - I repainted all of these apart from the clock tower. πŸ‘πŸ‘
    • Make specific terrain/scenic pieces - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
    • Rework all figure bases - All done. πŸ‘
  • Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse (20mm)
    • Work on MDF buildings  - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
    • Make specific terrain/scenic pieces  - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
    • Purchase more zombie figures - No progress. πŸ‘Ž
  • Burrows & Badgers (28mm)
    • Work out warbands for existing collection.  πŸ‘
    • Make specific terrain/scenic pieces - I made some generic woodland scatter but as I used them for B&B games I'm counting this as a success! πŸ‘ 
    • Purchase more figures -  No new figures purchased.  When I looked at how few figures from my existing collection I used for my games buying more seemed a bit daft.
  • Decide what to do with unused 28mm figures - nothing done here.  I may do a post on these and try and swap them or I'll have to get my self sorted and stick them on eBay. πŸ‘Ž
  • Continue blogging - I added 43 posts during this four month period. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

New projects

  • Continuing looking for a new small scale/big scope project - Lots of thoughts and I'm gradually narrowing down what the next projects will be.  I'm in a healthy position with few outstanding figures so I'll be able to get on with a new project or maybe two straight away in the Autumn. 


  • Play a minimum of 3 games.  In mind as I write this are:
    • 16th Century
    • WW2 Italy - I played a game of Bolt Action. πŸ‘
    • Algerian War -  I played Ambush Alley. πŸ‘ 
    • Burrows & Badgers - Played 2 games. πŸ‘πŸ‘
    • Seven Years War
    • Fantasy using my Celtos figures

Summary May to August progress

I'm very happy with the progress in the last four months.  The two principal projects that I've been working on this year (First Anglo-Sikh War and Algerian War) are complete for the moment.  I've done more for the WW2 Italian Campaign project, and the woodland and rocky scatter terrain pieces I made will be useful for a number of different games and scales.  I also added some more characters to the Old West collection, keeping my hand in with painting 28mm figures. 

On the gaming side I finally managed to play Burrows and Badgers (only six years after buying my first figures) and got a couple of enjoyable games in.  I gave part of my WW2 Italian Campaign collection a run out with Bolt Action.  And I played a really enjoyable game of Ambush Alley using some of The Algerian War collection I've been working on.  I didn't get a game in using my Celtos figures but I did do some work on prepping  for a game of Warlords of Erehwon. 

As the summer progressed I became interested in Ancients again and did some work reorganising my 10mm Punic Wars  collection.  These gave me a real appreciation of this scale and I think it's something I'll be looking at more.

I didn't do anything on the 16th Century project.  This was simply due to time as it's something that I'm still very interested in.  

The Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse project was the other one without any progress.  Perhaps the thought of gaming in a Eastern European urban ruins was too much like the real world?  


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