The hobby week - 16 April to 22 April

I managed to get in a reasonable amount of hobby time over the Easter Weekend.  I'm off work next week and will be out and about so there probably won't be a hobby update for the last week of April.


  • I finished prepping the Newline Designs Sepoy regiment and managed to make some good progress with the painting.  These won't take too long to finish now.

Research & Reading

  • I finished "The Commotion Time".  This was a very interesting read.  In my opinion the background information about the key personnel, logistics, the causes and such like is stronger than the actual descriptions of the battles.  This is no criticism of the author, but probably more to do with there's more records of this than the actual fighting!  If you are interested in the 16th Century and the Tudors I highly recommend it.  
For a wargamer there's definitely enough information to game the Western Rebellions if you want to try something different.  An existing 16th Century or maybe some Wars of the Roses figures could be pressed into action and you could have some good games.  


  • For three weeks running I haven't spent any money on the hobby.  This isn't going to last is it.


  1. The sepoys are coming on nicely.

    1. Thanks Richard. They're very easy to paint. I'm away for a week now but I don't think it'll take long to finish them once I'm back. I'll take photos and post them up when they're done.


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