The hobby week - 09 April to 15 April

A very quiet week hobby wise.  I've not had any solid blocks of time to do much, just grabbing the odd 10 minutes here and there.  


  • I've started cleaning up the next unit for the First Anglo-Sikh War project.  This is a regiment of 24 Sepoys which will join the Anglo-Indian forces.  I don't like cleaning up figures much, so doing this in the short bursts of time I've had for hobbying has worked quite well.

Research & Reading

  • I'm pressing on with "The Commotion Time" which tells the military history of rebellion in the West Country in 1549.  A really good read about something I previously knew nothing about.
  • I wrote a post about the rising costs of the hobby which sparked a bit of debate on TMP.  You can read it here.  After writing this I'm even more convinced that any new projects will be in the smaller scales.  Although I love  skirmish games I hanker after something that looks like a real battle, but I don't have the table or storage space or realistically the time to do this is in anything over 10mm.  What the next project will be is very much up for debate, although I am narrowing it down slightly - to about a 200 year time frame so far 😂. This clip on the Baccus YouTube channel had me drooling. 


  • No spending again this week.  I'm keeping my cash for when I finally decide on my next project or for finishing off existing ones.


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