The hobby week - 01-07 January 2022

As a bid to use the blog as my wargaming diary this year I'm going to try and do a weekly summary of what I've been doing.  I tend to only post completed items and then it doesn't look like I've done much.  So here we go for the first week of 2022.


Got in a cracking game of Donnybrook set in The Old West - read about it here


  • Did all the prep for the last Newline Designs 20mm Sikh Wars unit which is a regiment of 24 EIC Sepoys.

EIC Sepoys based, sand added and primed

  • Managed to finish the fencing to go round my Old West farmhouse -read about it here


  • Had a good look through all my French wars of decolonisation books.  
  • Organised some of my PDFs sorting out the Korean War titles particularly. 
  • Had a brief look into Central and South American wars of the first half of the 20th Century (are we going down the rabbit hole?)
A positive start to the year with plenty of hobby activity. 


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