The hobby week - 22-28 January 2022

I can't believe we're already at the end of the month.  Here's what I've been up to this week.


  • I started the week still mucking about trying to work out the colours to repaint the bases of the figures for the  Algerian War project.  I also spent a load of time online looking at terrain mats and how to make terrain mats.  I felt I was getting nowhere so have switched to the other side of the world and back to
  • Indo-China.  I've been doing a bit more work on my jungle terrain that I made last year and also revamping the bases of my French Indo-China War figures so they fit in better with the terrain.  
  • I've also been fiddling about with EVA foam.  I bought a pack and have been doing tests to see how viable it is for terrain making.


  • I finished Black Earth by Timothy Snyder.  Superb book but glad to have finished it.  It doesn't do much for your thoughts of other nations and people reading a book like that.
  • I'm continuing to dip into my book collection and read about the French Algerian and Indo-China Wars as much as time allows.  


  • Battlezone Miniatures.  I discovered Battlezone last Friday and ordered some 20mm WW2 US Marine Raiders, US Army support and a pack of Red Army rifleman.  Great figures and OUTSTANDING service.  They were with me less than 24 hours after ordering.  I've been  corresponding with Steve Renwick this week and what a helpful and decent fella he is.  He'll definitely be getting more orders.  I'll be writing about these more when I do them.
  • I popped into our local branch of The Works (cheap stationers type shop for those not in the UK) and got a nice big tube of Raw Umber acrylic paint for only £3.50 on offer.  It's always worth picking up these sort of things when you can.  I had a good look around for future reference and there's a lot of useful stuff in there.  It may not be the most exciting of purchase but for terrain building it's great to find this.


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