The hobby week - 08-14 January 2022

First full week of work since the Xmas break so less hobby time but still made some good progress.


The majority of hobby time this week was spent painting a regiment of 24 20mm EIC Sepoys from Newline Designs for my Sikh Wars project.  When I left them last week they had been cleaned, primed, based and the bases textured.  I managed to do the majority of the painting this week. Just the final details, varnishing, bases and flag and they're done.

Sepoys in progress. 

I also dug out all my odd 20mm figures to see what might make suitable Algerian ALN proxies.  I'll be working on these once the Sepoys are done.


  • Continued looking through all my French wars of decolonisation books and wrote a piece on my interest in these conflicts - read here.  
  • Had a brief look into other modern wars with French influence such as the conflicts in Chad.


My first purchases of the year arrived.

  • A Savage War of Peace - with all those thoughts of Algeria I had to have my own copy of this classic.  Its been years since I last read it so it's time for a reread.
  • 1/72 Amercom H-21 Helicopter prebuilt and painted plastic model from some magazine  The quintessential helicopter for les paras in Algeria.  This will need repainting but it'll be much quicker, less painful and cheaper than making a kit.  Perfect for gaming purposes.

These two purchases will help to finally resurrect the Algerian War project which has lain dormant for far too long.


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