Old West scatter terrain

I finally got round to assembling and painting the wagons and well I bought in November.

These were from Red Vector (Pendraken).  Although there wasn't any instructions included they were easy to assemble.  You'll need to be careful popping the pieces our the the frame so as not to break the longer parts but all you need is some PVA to glue them together.  

I undercoated the well with cheap craft paint black and then used a mix of Citadel Dheneb Stone and Khemri Brown to paint the wooden parts.  I picked out the stones of the well with the above Citadel colours and with various Vallejo Model Colour and Army Painter earth, ochre and grey colours.  Careful painting preserves all the details scored into the MDF.  Once dry I applied a sepia wash over the stones with to age it and tone down the colours.  This gave a good muted appearance.  The final stage was to drybrush the edges of all the model with VMC Iraqui Sand. 

I also used Citadel Dheneb Stone and Khemri Brown for the wagons taking care to preserve the planking detail as I painted.  I added more and more Dheneb Stone to the mix to add highlights.  These were very quick to paint.  Final job was to glue the seat on each wagon and the roof on the well and all done.  

And there we are a couple of nice items to improve my Old West games.


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