Internet retail therapy - My alternative to Salute pt 3

My retail therapy is continuing.  The first delivery this week was One Faith, One Law, One King - French Armies of the Wars of Religion 1562-1598 from Helion.  

I'd expressed my interest with Helion in the title prior to publication and was very pleased when I received an email announcing it was now available and offering a £5 discount.  My order was placed straightaway on Friday and the book arrived Tuesday post free.  I'm happy with that.  I've had a glance through and this sort of information is gold dust in the English language.  The colour plates aren't great but the rest of the book is.  

On the same day my order of 3x1mm neodymium magnets arrived.  I've been looking at how to base all my single SHQ WW2 20mm figures so that they're easier to use when gaming and wanted to try out something using magnets.  I won't say anymore as I'll be doing a separate post on that soon.

On Wednesday my order from Butler's Printed Models came.  I've been looking at 3D printed models for a little while and decided to give Butler's a go.  My order cconsisted of two StuG IIIs Ausf G mid war, one in 6mm and one  20mm (1/76th) and one each of 6mm Pzkpw V G, M4A2 76mm and a Chieftain and a 1/76th turret for a T34/76. First impressions are very favourable and I'm going to do a separate post on these. 

Saturday saw my last item arrive which was From the Realm of a Dying Sun volume II:  The IV SS Panzerkorps in the Budapest Relief Efforts December 1945-February 1945 which is very much up my strasse.  In excess of 500 pages long with some excellent photographs, I managed to pick this up at a significant reduction to that offered by the ever more insidious online retailer/world domination cult. That makes me even happier 😀.

I shall definitely be looking out for volumes I and III.  There's been a lot of excellent books published in recent years and I think I'll be spending a bit over the coming months.


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