Jungle terrain 5 - battle mat

As mentioned here I've started to use an artificial turf mat as a terrain mat for games.

As bought the mat was 100cm by 200cm which is far too big for our tiny dining table.  I cut it down to two pieces of 100cm x 80cm (80cm being the width of the table ) and 100cm x 120cm.  I'm undecided as to whether to cut the second piece to size at the moment.  

It already had some variance in the greens and a bit of texture but nowhere near enough.

Over the August Bank Holiday weekend I spent a couple of hours working on the smaller piece with some cheap acrylic craft paints and some hobby acrylic trying to get an effect suitable for jungle games.

It's better but I think still needs work.  It'll do for the moment as I want to play a game but I can see me coming back to it when I get some inspiration. 

I'm trying to decide what to do for the larger piece.  I really need something for more arid  places, specifically for Italy/Spain and for the North West Frontier.  The question is: is it possible to have one mat that would do all that? If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions for a commercially available mat I'd be very interested to hear them. 


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