"Diesel punk" Germans

After the last few weeks of being "up the jungle" it was a nice change to get back to painting figures. 

These are Warlord Games Winter German infantry with Wargames Atlantic WW1 Stormtroopers heads.  I've always liked the Dieselpunk look so I decided to give them gasmask heads.  They needed a bit of Milliput to fill the gaps but it wasn’t too fiddly and I'm pleased with the result.   

Ready for priming

I'm glad I didn't buy more than a single sprue. Not because they're bad figures (far from it). Its because I wanted early war figures and there's too much late war weaponry such as STG 44s, Panzerfausts etc. which means you are very limited with poses, especially as I found the torso and arms are not that interchangeable. There's a definite best fit much more pronounced than on other Warlord sets I've made.  By trying to make the set as versatile as possible I feel that Warlord have made a set that doesn't enable you to even complete a squad very well, let alone a platoon.  A shame really because the sculpts are very good. 

They'll probably be used for an AE:WW2 Unternehmen Seelöwe game I've had in the back of my mind for nigh on 10 years. That's how quick I work.  

Completing these figures that leaves me with 3, that's THREE figures left to paint which are already in progress.  Lead Mountain???  


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