End of an era - Battlefront 15mm French Foreign Legion

This week I've been working on a pack of Battlefront French Foreign Legion sappers which aremy oldest outstanding figures.  I'd bought them at a knockdown price from eBay back in 2019 without a clear idea of what I was going to do with them and they'd sat in a box since.  I'm a bit of a sucker for La Légion.

Why do them now?  Purely for lack of any other figures to do! With these finished I have nine, yes nine outstanding figures.  Actually I have 96 others but I'm probably going to be selling these off as I've re-evaluated doing that project.

Anyway back to the FFL sappers.  These are my last pack of BF figures and are metal, I don't think they do any metal anymore.  I have hundreds of metal BF figures for various theatres and nations of WW2.  Funnily enough, I've never played Flames of War although I have a fair few of the books.  I use the figures for Bolt Action which I think they work very well for.  

I decided to do them as a rifle platoon of three 9 man squads fighting for the 6e Régiment Étranger d'Infanterie, 6e REI in Vichy Syria.  Reading about the Legion in the Levant in the 1930s they appeared to still be using old equipment and only had one LMG (FN.24/29) per platoon. As I didn't have a suitable LMG figure to hand, this made me feel leaving it out was probably a reasonable reflection of the situation on the ground.  Maybe I'll try and source a suitable figure and base it on a small team base at a later date.  I also left four of the axe wielding sapper figures out entirely as I just didn't like the figures. 

What's next after this?  With the "Lead Mountain" now reduce to a very minor bump, I think I'll concentrate on making my battlefields more interesting.  I'm going to try and make the rest of August terrain month.


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