More 28mm WW1 Germans

I managed to get my next batch of Wargames Atlantic Germans assembled and painted in only a few days.

Primed, base uniform colour on

As with the first dozen I seemed to spend almost as much time fiddling about assembling them as I took to paint them. However, they were slightly quicker to do, as rather than trying to do twelve steel helmeted riflemen with as much variety as possible with the limited parts available, I wanted an officer and a few NCOs out of this batch. Therefore, I got to use different heads, which will differentiate them as NCOs on the table.

I'm pleased with how they worked out, I especially like the officer and the field cap headed figures. 

I'm intending to round out the platoon with Great War Miniatures machine gunners and more rifleman. Although I really like the Wargames Atlantic figures I don't think there's enough variety to get any more  riflemen that will look significantly different and I'm not keen on the one set of MG arms. But they're been a really good way to get the bulk of a platoon of very good figures at a low cost and I'm looking forward to when they release their WW1 French box. 


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