Little game with little men - 1ft, 1 pt Donnybrook French-Indian Wars

I realise I'm well behind the times but I only got my copy of Donnybrook by The League of Augsburg a couple of months ago.  I'd spent  Christmas and the New Year looking through all my rules and searching on line for a good skirmish set to do 17th Century Eastern Renaissance with. That eventually led me to Donnybrook.

Taking advantage of my £5 off WI Prime subscription offer, I ordered one from NorthStar and it was duly delivered with their usual lightning response. It's a triumph of a book.  Beautifully produced and clearly written.  I wish I'd got it years ago.

Anyway to my first game.  In my usual "tangent man" style I've postponed my forays into the East and dug out my QRF French-Indian Wars figures.  I can't remember which Salute I got these at, but I'm ashamed to say it's probably over 10 years ago and they've never been in battle.  

The scenario

The wilful Sarah Gallagher, daughter of ranger Captain Daniel Gallagher has run into the woods. Her father with intelligence that a Wyandot war party has been seen in the area has gone after her alone, but has managed to send word to his ranger unit to follow him.

Having located Sarah, Captain Gallagher has seen evidence of the Wyandot. At the same time the small unit of rangers have tracked their captain and are not too far off. The Wyandot led by Talks-Bull want to capture the girl. Who will reach them first? 

The forest can be deadly (especially if you tread on a model tree without your moccasins on)

The forces

Wendats - Talks-Bull, 1 hero (D12) . 1pt unit of 8 warriors (regulars D8)

Rangers - Captain Gallagher hero (D12). 1pt unit of 4 rangers (elite D10)

Victory conditions

If the Wyandot manage to wound or kill Captain Gallagher and exit from their edge of the board with Sarah and 50% of their number still alive they win. If the Rangers manage to reach the Captain and exit from their edge with Sarah and 50% of their number still alive they win.


The factions set up on opposite sides on the board edge. The Captain and his daughter are in the middle of the board in a forest clearing.

Special Rules

Due to the heavily wooded terrain line of sight and movement are reduced and saving throws for cover apply, as per the Donnybrook rulebook. 


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