Welcome - Oathmark Dwarfs

Greetings and welcome to Major Ballsup's Hobby Shed for occasional ramblings about wargames and maybe some related military stuff.

Here's a picture of some Oathmark Dwarfs I finished back in January. 

I liked the look of these and got a single sprue from the Dwarf Infantry set off eBay. The intention is to use them in Ragnarok games. 

Easy figures to build, with quite a few options but I wouldn't want to build a lot as the left arm options are basically for shield only and they'd be very samey. Good selection of beards though, as it should be. 

When I built my Gripping Beast Norse and Anglo-Saxon armies back in the 90s I hand painted all the shields as that's what we did in the old days. Now it's all decals. I'm too tight to fork out for the proper Oathmark ones from Northstar. I also had a sprue of Victrix Vikings that I was doing, so I got a set of "40 Victrix Viking Shield Waterslide Decals by Battle Flag, Super Value Set" from eBay. They were sized for the Victrix shields so it was a bit of a wrangle to get them on the Oathmark ones, but after a couple of failed attempts they did the job. Make sure you follow the instructions on Battle Flags website to the letter though. Where I didn't it all went horribly wrong. Especially the bit about spray priming the shields white before applying the decals. 


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