December 2024 hobby update

Well here we are another year done. All in all its been a good one for hobbying. My Ovelist updates with summaries of the year for gaming and doing can be seen here and here respectively. Let's hope 2025 is a good year in all ways for all of us. Completed There was a few things I really wanted to get finished before the end of the year. Miniatures wise I’ve worked in four scales this month: First of all in 15mm I completed the Cromarty Forge Village Defenders. This was the last of my 15mm. Readers will know how much I've enjoyed working on these. If I had my own 3D printer I'd probably have bought all their STLs and have printed so many figures that they'd never get painted, which is one of the many reasons I won't get my own printer! Then I rebased a 32mm Sci-Fi figure. This was one of the figures I completed in the summer, only to discover that the base was skewed and not truly round. This jarred with my pedantic ways so I rebased...