November 2024 hobby update

I really can't believe it's the penultimate update of 2024, where has the year gone? I didn't manage to reach the heights of October, but November has been a steady hobby month with the Early Imperial Roman project entering the end of the first phase. Completed I've completed quite a bit this month: I've continued basing the 15mm Cromarty Forge figures that I'd painted over the last few months completing: 44 Early Imperial Roman Legionaries 39 Ancient German warriors. As well as basing these I'd not finished painting the shields , so I did all these while painting the shields for the noble warriors (see below). The shields took ages to do but they've been worth it as they set the figures off well. I don't want to paint anymore for a long while though. Still with the 15mm Cromarty Forge, I painted and based 36 Ancient German noble warriors that'd I'd prepared last month. That's the last unit done with just have a few villager figures...