
Showing posts from October, 2024

A bit of enchanted cottaging - a Sword Weirdos AAR

Background Both the Elven band of Dyvima, and the Dwarves of Bigae Elf Woe have been seeking an enchanted cottage.  If they can claim the ancient dwelling they will gain secrets from the old times to help their people.  The Fates have intervened and both groups have converged on the cottage at the same time,  There is only one way to settle the claim and that is by combat.   The forces This is a 75 point game of Sword Weirdos.  The Elves are led by Dyvima, a Fighter/Healer and comprise of another Fighter and two Archers.  Bigae Elf Woe a Commander/Pit Fighter leads a Dwarven Berserker, a Dwarven Fighter and a Human Hunter.  Full rosters can be found here .  Set up This game is a variant of the Objectively Normal Scenario on page 12 of the Sword Weirdos rules.  Rather than have a number of objectives, the aim is to have as many combatants be within 1/2 a stick of the enchanted cottage at the end of the final turn to claim the dwelling for their side. Starting positions, Dwarves at the t