More 28mm Victrix Dark Age Warriors

I've just finished off a few more Victrix plastics. These are the first that I've done for quite a few month after finishing off the last of the late-Romans and Germanics. Four are from the Viking set, the figure on the far right is from the Ancient Germans set. I painted two as generic Dark Age warriors. I didn't glue the shields to these two, as with the appropriate shield they'll do as well as spearmen from the 4th to 9th Century. I have some spare Gothic/Germanic shields which I can swap the Norse shields out with when they join my 4th Century Germanic force. I didn't do anything clever with mixing the parts. I used heads from the Viking set for all of them. The hands and spears of the two unarmoured spearmen are from the Unarmoured Romans set. These spears are a bit thicker and more robust than the earlier Viking set which are very fragile. The knife on the Ancient German body comes from the Dark Age Archers....