July 2024 hobby update

I was away for the first week of July and since being back work has been very busy. However, I have completed another 11 28mm figures. My goal in January was to complete 10 a month. Having now completed 84 and sold 15 of the 128 that I started 2024 with, I'm two months or more ahead. I managed to get my planned two games in as well, so although it was a short and busy month blogging has been the only thing that's slipped. Hopefully I'll make up on that next month and post on the figures I've completed during June and July. Completed I had a few things on the table at the end of June. Of those I've finished the following: 3D printed 32mm Erroish Raiders. I really enjoyed painting these. Unlike the Bitter Nightshades ( last month ), I felt very comfortable doing these. I took a lot of time on them savouring all the detail this time rather than just wishing them done. During the month I started and fi...