July 2023 Hobby update

I was away on holiday for the first two weeks of the month. I took some figures to clean up but didn't get round to even looking at them, so I had a complete break from normal life 😃. It's done me the world of good and I've really pushed on since being back. Completed I've nearly finished everything that was on the table prior to my holiday: 15mm Grumpy's Landsknecht arquebusiers and musicians. I made life difficult for myself by priming them grey and then ended up giving then a white coat base coat so that the colours stand out. The lesson for the next batch is just use white primer! I found them a bit daunting at first, but as I got more colour on them I started to enjoy painting them more and more and am enthused enough to start on a new batch straight away. Overall I'm very pleased how they've turned out and will do a post on them soon. Native American Mound Builder Shaman. Once I put my mind to it I polished off this chap quite...