May 2023 Hobby update

On the hobby front May has been a mix of finishing and fiddling about trying things. At first I thought I hadn’t done much but on review I have, so this is a long one! Completed I started the month making some scatter terrain for swamp/marsh areas: I then spent some time looking at micro armour, painting up some Heroics & Ros and Butlers' Printed Models samples I've had for years. I wrote up a comparison which you can see here . Going up a notch in scale to 10mm I painted up the two Pendraken M24s that I bought at Salute. Lovely little models. Not sure what I'll do with them though. And going up to 1/72nd scale I finished off painting the H-21 and H-34 helicopters for the Algerian War project. I also painted up the 6 helicopter pilots from Elhiem to go in them. You can see more of them here . Completing the 'copters got me back into the Algerian War mind set so I knocked out 4 more ALN fighters. These were act...