28mm WW2 Partisans

All quiet on the blog as I've been away on holiday. However, before I went I completed some more WW2 partisans. All the bodies and heads and the arms for the Bren gunner (second from left) are all Wargames Atlantic. The arms for the two on each end are from the Warlord Games Blitzkrieg German infantry plastic set, the man with the Molotov cocktail has arms from the Warlord Games Soviet infantry set with a spare K98 from the German Blitzkrieg set. I really enjoyed putting these together. I've got quite a comprehensive bits box now for 28mm WW2 plastic figures and it's fun to look at which can be combined to make a unique figure. I find the Wargames Atlantic heads much more characterful than the Warlord Games but the arms seem a bit weedy. The Warlord Blitzkrieg Germans fit well with the Wargames Atlantic figures as both are slimmer and more proportionate than the Soviets, which are of the "heroic/cartoony" type of figure. These will probably be used for an A...